
How To Create A Stress-Free Work Environment

Posted On: December 2, 2021

Most of us are experiencing more stress these days, and industrial workers are no exception. Fortunately, identifying stressful situations, triggers, and personalities can help you avoid unsafe working conditions.

What Causes Stress

Sometimes, stress can be triggered by the workplace. Highly demanding jobs and fast-paced work environments can contribute to growing pressure on employees. It’s important to note that stress can affect everyone differently, which is why it often goes unnoticed. However, increased stress can result in industrial safety issues and decreased productivity. Below we’ll identify common causes of stress exhibited in the top industries.

Common Stressors By Industry

Manufacturing – The leading causes of stress in the manufacturing industries are reported to be high job demands, irregular working hours and overtime work, sudden changes in work schedules, monotonous operations, sudden transfer or relocation, and inadequate pay.

Warehousing – The major stressors on warehousing workers are continuous risk, few opportunities to develop their abilities and techniques, long hours, and increasing demand to fill orders faster.

Construction – The main causes of stress in the construction industry include physically demanding work, labor shortages, poor communication, unrealistic deadlines, too much work, and conflicting demands.

stressed construction workers

Tips for Reducing Stress and Improving Workplace Safety

Just as there are numerous causes of workplace stress, there are equally as many approaches you can take to reduce it. Take the following steps to improve your facility’s workplace safety.

Increase Awareness in The Workplace

Consider providing essential workplace training and education about stress. This will help people understand stress better and recognize its symptoms. In addition, encourage workers to reach out to coworkers or supervisors who appear to be struggling. This also reiterates that stress is a normal physiological reaction and nothing to be embarrassed about.

Mandate and Encourage Breaks

Taking several breaks throughout the workday allows workers a chance to catch their breath and rest, restoring their energy for the remainder of the day. Encouraging employees to use their vacation days and take other days off can also benefit their mental and physical health.

Encourage Workers to Speak Up

If a coworker or supervisor notices an employee who appears to be experiencing high stress levels, taking action is the best option. A manager can demonstrate concern by pulling the worker aside and asking about their well-being. They may even be able to adjust the day’s workload or provide helpful resources.

Provide Access to Valuable Resources

Arranging for workers to have easy access to mental health services is vital. Some companies will even invite a mental health professional to speak on managing stress or provide basic wellness techniques and tips.

Invite Employees to Partake in Decision-Making

Workers who are involved in decision-making processes and are given a voice are generally happier and less susceptible to stress. Asking employees about work-related issues is also an excellent way to identify stress-contributing factors. Creating a committee to represent the workers is a practical and effective way to make sure everyone is involved.

workplace safety stress tips

How a Third-Party Can Help You Design A Plan to Manage Stress

Creating your workplace stress‐management plan is the first step to improving working conditions for your employees. Implementing these critical changes will lead you toward a healthy and successful work-life balance for you and your team.

At Safety By Design, our industrial safety experts will help you with stress management as well as workplace safety training. With our knowledge and experience, you’ll be well on your way to a safer work environment for you and your crew.

Contact Safety By Design today if you’re seeking industrial safety training, education, and support in your facility.

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