
Is Your Construction Site Prepared for a Medical Emergency?

Posted On: March 23, 2022

Construction site medics are trained professionals who are responsible for the health and safety of workers on a job site. They also provide medical assistance to injured workers and educate teams about construction site safety procedures.

The Role of an On-site Construction Medic in an Emergency

Construction workers are at risk of injury and death every day. Therefore, it is crucial to have a medic on-site to help these workers in case of emergencies.

A construction medic is an emergency medical professional who specializes in providing medical assistance to construction workers and those working in the industry. They are trained to work with the specific needs of construction workers, such as recognizing the signs of heatstroke and understanding how to use heavy equipment safely. Construction medicals provide services that include:

First Aid Services: These services include treating injuries and illnesses, as well as providing first aid for wounds that might otherwise lead to infection.

Specialized Emergency Services: These services include administering oxygen or CPR.

Additional Skills:

  • Conduct site safety inspections and orientations
  • Provide additional training and competencies
  • Conduct safety awareness meetings 
  • Patient assessment/management
  • Bleeding control/shock management
  • Cardiac arrest management – AED
  • Joint/bone immobilization
  • Arrange transportation for more severe injuries

Common Qualifications:

Benefits of On-site Emergency Services

On-site emergency medical technicians are valuable assets to a company in that they can provide immediate assistance in an emergency situation. When there is a crisis, time is of the essence. If an on-site technician can respond within minutes or even seconds, they can make a huge difference.

construction site medical services

In addition, on-site technicians have access to all necessary equipment and tools needed for any situation. They have the knowledge and experience that would be hard for a remote technician to replicate when responding to an emergency situation. Additional advantages of professional on-site medical response include:

  • Provides guidance during an emergency
  • Prevents fatalities and workplace injuries
  • Reduces damage to buildings, stock, and equipment
  • Provides convenient access to high-quality care
  • Maintain health and safety compliance
  • Boosts productivity in the short-term and the long-term
  • Sheds light on unrecognized hazardous conditions
  • Helps you recruit and retain employees

Keep Your Workers Safe with Construction Site Medical Services

Construction site medical services are very important for the safety of your employees. Construction sites are inherently dangerous, and injuries can happen at any time.

A construction medic is a medical professional who visits a construction site to provide on-site health services. They can provide first aid to injured workers, administer medications, or call for an ambulance if necessary.

A medic in construction should be able to handle all sorts of emergencies, from minor cuts and bruises to cardiac arrest. They also need to be able to do physical exams in case they need to identify any underlying medical conditions that could lead to future problems.

How to Prepare Your Construction Site for a Medical Emergency

Construction sites are a dangerous place for anyone, but especially for employees. The construction site is a high-risk environment that requires constant vigilance from the site manager and the construction workers.

One of the most important things you can do to prepare for a medical emergency is to make sure that you have a construction medic on-site at all times. You should also have an Emergency Action Plan in place for when an emergency does happen so that the right people are notified and can respond quickly.

Most incidents happen when there is an emergency, like a heart attack or accident. The medical staff needs to be prepared to take care of any urgent situation. The following are some tips on how to prepare your construction site for a medical emergency:

  • Ensure that your safety officer has been trained in first aid and CPR.
  • Install an AED machine near the entrance of your construction site.
  • Have a first aid kit with all necessary items readily available at all times.
construction medic

Contact Safety By Design for Emergency Medical Technician Staffing

Construction sites are hazardous environments, and injuries are often unavoidable. Safety By Design is a third-party safety consulting company that provides on-site medical services for construction sites. We also offer various additional services to meet the needs of their clients, such as Construction Ergonomics Training and OHSA Training Courses.

Call us today at (832) 290-7296 to learn more!

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